Check out what M-I-A named her baby boy. What is up with stars naming their kids this stuff? I mean seriously. His name sounds like something you would spit up after gagging on something morbidly disgusting. Think about it.
----PLEASE Casey and G, you have to promise me you won't do this to your child!!!!
Look how weird her name is...! I would have been shocked if she gave the poor kid a normal name. And don't worry, we have very normal names picked out. :)
but I always joke with Caleb that we're going to name it BootyCrack GreenBean. LOL
Yeah, you have good point. She is just a wierd person all together. What normal person performs in a concert the day they are due to have their baby? Awww...poor Caleb. He is probably scarred for life. Lol! Booty Crack Green bean? HAHAHAHAHA That sounds like something Josh would say.
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